skin improvement


VITAL is part of the well-known Restylane® brand. Restylane is known as a filler based on hyaluronic acid, but in the same range there is also a skin improvement product called Vital. In our experience, you can achieve very nice results with this.
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Vital consists of very small spheres of hyaluronic acid. The globules are so small that you cannot recognize them as globules with the naked eye because the product is liquid.

You can fill the skin with Vital without it looking like a filler. Then you have to think of very fine lines. You make the skin a little thicker, so to speak.

For example, the result is very nice on skin once damaged by acne. You can then fill up those very small holes piece by piece with a little Vital, making the skin even again. This is really precision work, but has great results!

Furthermore, it is often used for fine lines on the neck, but cleavage or hands can also get quite an improvement with Vital.

Vital stays in the skin for about 12 months, but is often offered in a cure-all form. In fact, it also activates the skin itself to get back to work and improve itself.

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